I just bought the app on my iphone 6 after playing with it on a samsung galaxy s6. It is amazing in so many ways, but there are a few problems destroying my ability to even use the app.First, i have a 128gb phone full of music from itunes. If i sync itunes in any way via the app source settings, it has numerous problems. It usually simply misses most of the music. The music is all itunes 256aac format. An album will indicate 12 songs but only have one actual track in the list. A search of all songs shows the other tracks do not exist in neutron. And I've waited to make sure it wasn't still processing and nothing new ever shows up.I can rescan and play with the settings but it either gets stuck looping the scan (scan, restart scan, restart scan, etc.) or it simply misses songs or deletes all the existing music list forcing me to do a full sync again (also lost my list once after a force quit during normal usage). So as of now i can't even get my music usable in neutron.Second is that a few screens have a problem where you can't escape the screen. Such as entering a value for an eq point. You can't accept the value or get out of the screen without either force quitting the app or rotating the device. But both methods lose any value you enter.
Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
Vendor Management System Example